✈️ STEP OUT!/🗽Ya! Nuh doo hal soo it thuh!

[영어 회화] #3 get sweaty, quite, back out

우주수첩 2022. 7. 13. 02:35


# 난 몰라쒀!!!

  • bushed : 피곤에 지친
    • ex ) I'm bushed
  • summit : 꼭대기, 정상
    • ex) There is the summit
  • sense of achievement : 성취감
    • ex) Reaching the top of the mountain gives me a sense of achievement.



# 난 들어쒀!!!!


  •  You know what I think we have a lot of similarities
    • 우리 비슷한 부분이 많은 것 같아 
  • I've already mentioned you don't like that.
    • 너가 그걸 싫어한다고 이미 말했잖아
    • mention : 말로 간단히 말하다. 언급하다. 거론한다.
  • I'm wondering you, how many hours did you do that?
    • 나 근데 너가 그거 하는데 얼마나 걸렸는지 궁금해 ㅇㅅㅇ
  • I think it's quite a trend among young people.
    • 요즘 젊은 사람들 사이에서 유행인 것 같아.


# Similar expressions


  • I gave up hiking with my mother
    • My mother and I backed out
    • back out : 하기로 했던 일에서 빠지다.
      • 원래 가족이랑 같이 등산 하다가 엄마랑 등산 중에 튄 내용을 말하고 싶어서 gave up hiking 이라고 말했는데
      • 비슷한 표현 알려주셔써 히히히ㅣㅎ
      • I'm out : 저는 빠질게요 ㅎ



# 고치고이쒀!!!


  • When I climb a mountain, I'm getting hotter.
    • When I climb a mountaion, I get sweaty
      • 사실 위에 문장도 말이 안되는 건 아닌데 내가 표현하고 싶었던 부분은
      • 더워서 땀이 많이 난다는 표현을 쓰고 싶었기 때문에 아래 정정된 문장이 내가 원하던 표현이여써
      • Do you mean that you don't like getting sweaty? 이라고 물어보셔썼거덩
  • I've hiked a mountain.
  • but I don't remember that name...
    • I don't remember its name.
  • But it took 5 hours for hike and it's a big adventure for me.
    •  it took me five hours to hike, and it was a big adventure for me.
    •  it entails me five hours to hike.
      • entail : 수반하다. 의미하다
      • ex) It would entail difficulties. : 그  과정이 좀 힘들겠지만
    •  it warrants  me five hours to hike.
  • It was really hard to climb but finally when I reach the summit, it was wonderful.
    •  It was really hard to climb, but when I finally reached the summit, it was wonderful
      • 시제 또 틀렸뎡
    • It was tough to climb 라고 써도 될 것 같앙


  • I don't know where I can do the skydive.
    • I don't know where I can skydive.
    • skydive 자체가 동사더라공


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