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[영어 회화] #4 take it back, irritate

우주수첩 2022. 7. 15. 14:50

밤 낮이 바뀌었습니다.


어쩔 수 없지.





# 나 첨 알아쒀!!!


  • take back : 제 자리에 돌려두다
    • ex) (감정/ 말) I take it back / I'll take my words : 내가 한 말 취소
    • same) Never mind what I said
    • same) I didn't really mean what I said
    • ex) (장소) Will you take me back to the park? : 공원으로 다시 데려다 주실래용?
    • ex) (시간) My mom take me back to her childhood. : 엄마의 어린시절로 나를 데려갔다 == 어린 시절 얘기를 해 주었다.
  • pay phone : 공중전화



# 나 들어쒀!!!


  • As you know, we carry our mobile phones everywhere we go.
  • 알잖아 우리 가는 곳 마다 폰 들고 댕기는거


  • It's really irritating. : 짜증나네
    • irritate : 짜증나게 하다, 거슬리다
    • ex) The way she puts on that accent really irritates me. : 그녀의 저런 말투는 나를 너무 짜증나게 해


  • If I were that person, really angry as well, cause you really waited for a long time.
  • 내가 그 사람이였으면 난 진짜 화났을겨, 왜냐면 너가 겁나 오래 기다렸잖아 
    • '가정문' 으로만 배웠어서 별 다르게 와 닿는 게 없었는데 요러케 공감할 때도 쓰이는 것 같아서 가져 옴


  • That's what girls usually do. : 그게 여자애들이 주로 하는거징


  • Where do you go for a walk? : 어디로 산책 해?


  • That's how you usually hang out with your friends : 요케 의문사 명사절로 쓰이는거 잘 활용하면 구뜨구뜨일 것 가텅





# 고치고 이쒀!!


If I made a mistakes I think it's important to accept the right things.

  • If I made mistakes, I think it's important to admit them and accept the right things.
  • ❗단복수 신경 안씀.
  • ❗인정하고 받아들이는 것이 중요하다.




So when I have misunderstanding something,

  • So when I misunderstand something,
  • ❗그냥 냅다 동사로 사용해도 ㄱㄴ



I'll give an apologize and take it back my wrong statement.

  • I'll give an apology and take back my wrong statement.
  • ❗apologize는 동사야 바보 멍충아 ㅇㅅㅇ
  • ❗뒤에 목적어가 있기 때문에 it 안써도 됨



Q : How often do you check your messages?

A : I check very often so I didn't miss any messages.

  • A : I check in on a regular basis to ensure that no messages are missed.
  • A' : I check frequently to ensure that no messages will be missed.
  • ❗ 대환장 파티...



Q : Have you experienced waiting for your friends on an appointment?

A : I waited for 1 hour and I really annoyed.

  • A' : I waited for 1 hour and I was really annoyed. 
  • 동사 써서 문법 맞추기



Q : Are you always late for your friend's appointment?

A : I'm never

  • A : I've never been late for an appointment
  • A : I've never missed an appointment







Don't have a good day.

